Corporate social responsibility

”In the interest of the environment –

  for the world of tomorrow.“

– strategy of edding AG –

As part of the edding group, Legamaster shares the strategic significance edding attaches to Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). We endorse the edding vision regarding themes as human rights, child labor, discrimination and environment & sustainability.

The Legamaster CSR principles are defined in our Code of Conduct. The concept of CSR goes beyond the local impact of Legamaster’s business to our extended supply chain. Legamaster recognises its social position by imposing requirements on business partners and its own organisation when it comes to the supply of Legamaster products and services.

We understand CSR as a continuous process of improvement and adaptation in an ever-changing environment. Our goal is to further develop CSR as a systematic and continuous process, to ensure meaningful changes in the key CSR areas: People, Planet & Profit. Legamaster has started its CSR journey and will continue to implement initiatives to put its CSR commitment into action.


People, Planet, Profit

Guarantee health and safety at work

  • Health and safety at work are key aspects of the Legamaster social policy.

Non-discrimination policy

  • We reject any form of discrimination.

Respect human rights

  • Legamaster respects human rights and expects business partners to share this vision.

Cooperation with partners that share the Legamaster
values towards CSR

  • We aim to do business with partners and suppliers that share our vision towards CSR related themes, we intend to bind them into our CSR processes and have them sign up to common values and sustainable business practices.

Taking care of our business and the environment

  •   Economics and efficiency
  •   Balancing economical targets with social & environmental targets

Consistent application of quality management system

  •   Legamaster is ISO 9001 certified

Environmental management system

  • Legamaster is ISO 14001 certified

Environment: key aspect in product development process

  • Enamel steel boards are provided with environmentally friendly certified ceramic steel.
  • Board frames are of 100% recyclable aluminium. All plastic board parts are 100% recyclable.
  • Magic-Chart is made out of environmentally friendly material and fully recyclable.
  • Board- and presentation markers can be recycled, simply by using the refill ink!

Respect environmental regulations

  • WEEE, REACH, RoHs and DMF.

Video-conferencing: in aid of the environment

  • Our video-conferencing system makes numerous journeys between the Legamaster and edding head quarter unnecessary. In practice this leads to savings with regard to fuel consumption (car, airplane), reduced CO2 emissions, less employee stress, time saving and reduced travel expenses.

Responsible printing-and copying policy

  • We use 100% recycled paper bearing the Blue Angel environmental label. A double sided output policy and the use of digital technology has allowed us to reduce on paper usage. Digital copies are made instead of physical copies whenever possible. The replacement of outmoded individual printers with centralized multifunction units has improved power consumption. Ink cartridges are recycled.

Catalogue: naturally printed FSC® certified paper

  • Legamaster catalogues are printed on FSC® certified paper. A digital version of the catalogue can be consulted online.

View & download edding's code of conduct